

There are multiple artists known as Denisa. 1) Denisa Emilia Răducu (born December 13, 1989, in Drăgășani, Vâlcea county) was a Romanian manele singer. She died on 23 July 2017 from cirrhosis. 2) Denisa Gültekin (born March 18, 1997, in Antalya, Turkey) is a national athlete from Turkey. She won the championship in Turkey Bikini Fitness branch three times. She is known from the famous TV show "Survivor Türkiye" (2017). 3) Denisa Dhaniswara (born 1999, in Jakarta, Indonesia) is a singer/songwriter from Indonesia.

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.

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