Moondark Sweden


Moondark was formed a cold and dark winter evening in the beginning of 1993 by Johan Jansson (Interment, Demonical, Regurgitate, Uncurbed, ex Centinex, Dellamorte...) and Kennet Englund (Interment, Subdive, ex Uncanny, Centinex, Dellamorte...) when they rehearsed covers of Crypt Of Kerberos, Eternal Darkness, and Bolt Thrower etc... In the birth Johan played guitar because he did mostly of the music in Moondark and Kennet played drums. Then Mattias Norrman (Katatonia

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.