Στελλάκης Περπινιάδης Greece


Στέλιος Περπινιάδης (Stelios Perpiniadis, 1899 - September 4, 1977), better known as Στελλάκης (Stellakis), was a Greek folk musician who wrote, sang, and played guitar in the rebetiko style. He was the father of another well-known Greek folk musician, Βαγγέλης Περπινιάδης (Vangelis Perpiniadis). Περπινιάδης was born in Tinos, and in 1923 moved to Piraeas, where he came into contact with rebetiko musicians from Asia Minor.

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.