Verbum Verus Netherlands


VERBUM VERUS was born in the Netherlands as a union of souls in celebration of their darkest beliefs. Three individuals channeling their devotion into sinister psalms to the Lord. They recorded their debut album in 2010, Melkiresha. The CD version was released Oct. 31, 2012 by Daemon Worship Productions. Manuel Tinnemans (Comaworx) created the cover art. VERBUM VERUS consists of: Eclipse: Vox, guitars and bass (ex-Sauron) HerrAIDS: Vox, guitars and bass (ex-Sauron) Sunless: Drums, bass and keys on "Verbum Verus" (ex-Sauron)

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.